
I do not like who I’ve become

I have changed. Yes, in some good ways, but also in some incredibly tragic ways as well.

Since moving out of home I’ve been having more fun, letting go, putting myself out of there, and shedding some degree of my “introversion”. In ways, over the last couple of years, I’ve become a more compassionate person. But in other ways I’ve become really mean. 

Lately, I’ve been very intolerant and judgemental to the people around me which is out of character for me. I used to pride myself on being fair, levelheaded and open to all people and the things they say and do but recently I’ve let things get under my skin, so to speak, as if that were justifiable. 

I never used to say a bad word about another person unless they were there to defend themselves but lately I’ve been throwing bad words around left right and centre. 

I guess all I can do is admit that I’m doing the wrong thing and change my behaviour. I’m quite disappointed in myself and I wanted to share that. 
Mads, X 

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